This is the percentage of all impressions, both Whatsapp Mobile Number List at the top and bottom of the search results page. 7. Absolute percentage at the top of the page This percentage expresses to what extent the specific competitor takes a first position on your selected keyword set. Peeking at the competitor All these statistics say something Whatsapp Mobile Number List about the extent to which your competition bets on certain keywords. In addition, the numbers also show how you perform compared to your competitors. For example, on which keywords do you get a low impression share due to fierce competition? Have a look at the landing pages Whatsapp Mobile Number List of others. Which keywords do they bet heavily or little on?
On which keywords do you get a low Whatsapp Mobile Number List impression share due to fierce competition? The benefits of bidding on your competitors' brands Bidding on each other's brand name: a loaded topic in the world of Whatsapp Mobile Number List paid search. It has pros and cons. In some industries there is an (unspoken) gentlemen's agreement , which means that it is an unwritten rule that you do not advertise on each other's brand Whatsapp Mobile Number List names. In other branches there is no agreement. Competitors are bidding on each other there.
On the one hand, this is of course bad for Whatsapp Mobile Number List every brand name that moves in the industry, but on the other it is an opportunity to take a look into the 'brand name kitchen' of your competitor. a look at the brand name Whatsapp Mobile Number List kitchen Insight into search volume for competing brand names The volume of direct and brand name traffic from search engines is often a good reflection of what is happening in above-the-line channels such as television and social media. This way you know that if the volume on these Whatsapp Mobile Number List campaigns (temporarily) increases, this can be the result of activities on other marketing channels.